Look Sexy Wear Clothing made from Lettuce Leaves

Beauty Chinese actress Gao Yuanyuan, look sexy by wearing clothing made from lettuce leaves. But this action is not part of the event fashion show.

As reported by the Weirdasianews.com, her performance this time was part of a campaign to encourage Chinese society, that likes to eat vegetables. Together with a group of animal lovers, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Gao Yuanyuan of China to invite the community to control the consumption of meat and turn vegetarian.

She did not hesitate to wear a gown made of lettuce, which is actually more delicious to eat. Not only wrapped in lettuce leaves, red chili Yuanyuan also made as a decoration on her neck like a necklace, a charming accessory.

According to the actress, to become a vegetarian in China, it is not easy. In fact, at this time, meat consumption in China increased four-fold over the last 4 years. This risk of causing health problems like cancer and heart disease.

Although meat consumption is still lower when compared with the western world, meat consumption in China continues to increase. Even the factory farms in China started overwhelmed by the demands of consumers.

Many Chinese are not willing to reduce consumption of meat. Or, just skeptical of environmental issues. For that, Gao Yuanyuan 'shout' concern over an unusual campaign.

"After becoming a vegetarian, I feel much more fit. When I first started the diet of vegetables, it is difficult to refuse food and starchy foods. However, I feel much more energetic after successfully become a vegetarian," said Yuayuan in a press release as quoted from the pages of Weird Asia News.